Dr. David J. Musliner


Technical Fellow
Smart Information Flow Technologies (SIFT), LLC

I joined SIFT in 2008 after a long stint at Honeywell Labs. Before that, I completed my 1993 PhD in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and then was a UMIACS postdoctoral fellow, lecturer, and Project Director at the University of Maryland Autonomous Mobile Robots Lab.




319 1st Ave North, Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55401-1689
(612) 325-9314 (cell)

Dissertation Research:

CIRCA: The Cooperative Intelligent Real-Time Control Architecture

The current versions of CIRCA use formal verification engines, including our own in-house systems and Kronos from VERIMAG. The probabilistic versions of CIRCA also include some of the earliest work on statistical model checking, as reported below.

Research Interests:

Real-Time Intelligent Control, Autonomous Systems, Autonomous Cyber Reasoning Systems, Planning, Scheduling, Reactive Systems, Formal Verification, Model Checking and Statistical Model Checking, Distributed AI, Intelligent Agents, Robotics, Constraint-Based Reasoning, mixed hardware and software projects.

US Patents:

10,528,729, 2019, "Methods and systems for defending against cyber-attacks" (a continuation of the one below on chronomorphic moving-target ROP/BROP defense), with Scott Friedman and Peter Keller

10,108,798, 2018, "Methods and systems for defending against cyber-attacks" with Scott Friedman and Peter Keller

7,774,297, 2010, "System and method for network security" (this and the one below are early work on self-adaptive cyber security defense using taste-testers and learned firewall adaptations), with Chris Geib and Ryan VanRiper.

7,461,289, 2008, "System and method for computer service security," with Walter Heimerdinger, Michael Pelican, and Ryan VanRiper.

6,957,178, 2005, "Incremental automata verification," with Robert Goldman and Michael Pelican.


Richard G. Freedman, Scott E. Friedman, David J. Musliner, and Michael J. S. Pelican, "Creative Problem Solving Through Automated Planning and Analogy" in Working notes of the AAAI Workshop on Generalization in Planning, February 2020.

David J. Musliner, Scott E. Friedman, Michael Boldt, J. Benton, Max Schuchard, Peter Keller, and Stephen McCamant, "FUZZBOMB : Fully-Autonomous Detection and Repair of Cyber Vulnerabilities" in Int'l Journal on Advances in Security, pp. 111-121, vol. 9, no. 3-4, 2016.

Robert P. Goldman, Daniel Bryce, Michael J.S. Pelican, and David J. Musliner, "An Architecture for Hybrid Planning and Execution" in Working notes of the AAAI Workshop on Planning for Hybrid Systems, February 2016.

David J. Musliner, Scott E. Friedman, Michael Boldt, J. Benton, Max Schuchard, and Peter Keller, "FUZZBOMB: Autonomous Cyber Vulnerability Detection and Repair" in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies (INNOV), November 2015.

Scott E. Friedman, David J. Musliner, Peter K. Keller, "Chronomorphic Programs: Runtime Diversity Prevents Exploits and Reconnaissance" in Int'l Journal on Advances in Security, pp. 120-129, vol. 8, no. 3-4, 2015.

Scott E. Friedman and David J. Musliner, "Automatically Repairing Stripped Executables with CFG Microsurgery" in Proc. Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, September 2015.

Robert P. Goldman, David J. Musliner, Michael W. Boldt, "Heuristic Search for Bounded Model Checking of Probabilistic Automata" in Proc. Int'l Workshop on Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems (DIFTS), September 2015.

Michael W. Boldt, Robert P. Goldman, David J. Musliner, "Offline Monte Carlo Tree Search for Statistical Model Checking of Markov Decision Processes" in Proc. Int'l Workshop on Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems (DIFTS), September 2015.

S. Bhattacharyya, D. Cofer, D. Musliner, J. Mueller, E. Engstrom, "Certification Considerations for Adaptive Systems" in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), June 2015. Longer NASA technical report CR–2015-218702 is available here.

Scott E. Friedman, David J. Musliner, Peter K. Keller, "Chronomorphic programs: utilizing runtime diversity to prevent ROP and recon" in Proc. Ninth Int'l Conf. on Digital Society, February 2015. Journal version listed above.

Daniel Bryce, Sicun Gao, David Musliner, and Robert Goldman, "SMT-based Nonlinear PDDL+ Planning" in Proc. AAAI, January 2015.

Scott E. Friedman, David J. Musliner, Jeffrey M. Rye, "Improving Automated Cybersecurity by Generalizing Faults and Quantifying Patch Performance" in Int'l Journal on Advances in Security, Volume 7, Number 3-4, 2014.

Robert P. Goldman, Michael W. Boldt, David J. Musliner, "Employing AI Techniques in Probabilistic Model Checking" in Workshop on Model Checking and AI Planning (MOCHAP), 2014.

David J. Musliner, Scott E. Friedman, Jeffrey M. Rye, "Automated Fault Analysis and Filter Generation for Adaptive Cybersecurity", Proc. 6th Int'l Conf. on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications, May 2014.

David J. Musliner, Michael W. Boldt, Michael J. S. Pelican, and Daniel J. Geschwender, "Formal Methods for Comparing Behavior of Procedures in Different Languages", Int'l Conf. on Systems (ICONS), Nice, France, February 2014.

Robert P. Goldman, Michael J. S. Pelican, and David J. Musliner, "A loop acceleration technique to speed up verification of automatically generated plans", Int'l Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Volume 16, Issue 1, pages 13-29, 2014.

David J. Musliner, Scott E. Friedman, Jeffrey M. Rye and Tom Marble, "Meta-control for Adaptive Cybersecurity in FUZZBUSTER", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, September 2013.

David J. Musliner, Scott E. Friedman, Tom Marble, Jeffrey M. Rye, Michael W. Boldt, Michael Pelican, "Self-Adaptation Metrics for Active Cybersecurity", Adaptive Host and Network Security Workshop at the IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, September 2013.

Brett Benyo, Partha Pal, Richard Schantz, Aaron Paulos, David J. Musliner, Tom Marble, Jeffrey M. Rye, Michael W. Boldt, Scott Friedman, "Automated Self-Adaptation for Cyber-Defense - Pushing Adaptive Perimeter Protection Inward", Adaptive Host and Network Security Workshop at the IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, September 2013.

Colin M. Potts, Kurt Krebsbach, Jordan Thayer, and David J. Musliner, "Improving Trust Estimates in Planning Domains with Rare Failure Events", Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium Trust and Autonomous Systems, March 2013.

David J. Musliner, Jeffrey M. Rye, and Tom Marble, "Using Concolic Testing to Refine Vulnerability Profiles in FUZZBUSTER", Proc. SASO Workshop on Adaptive Host and Network Security, September 2012.

Kenneth B. Center, Philip Courtney, Richard Adams, David J. Musliner, Michael J. Pelican, Josh Hamell, David Kortenkamp, Mary Beth Hudson, Jerry L. Fausz, and Paul Zetocha, "Improving Decision Support Systems Through Development of a Modular Autonomy Architecture", Proc. I-SAIRAS, September 2012. This spacecraft control project is also described in "Intelligent Planning Systems for Space Resiliency", Paul Zetocha, Robert M. Sivilli, and Derek M. Surka, 2015 AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2015-1117), available from me on request.

David J. Musliner, Timothy Woods, and John Maraist, "Identifying Culprits When Probabilistic Verification Fails", Proc. ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 2012.

David J. Musliner, Jeffrey M. Rye, Dan Thomsen, David D. McDonald, Mark H. Burstein, and Paul Robertson, "FUZZBUSTER: A System for Self-Adaptive Immunity from Cyber Threats", Eighth Int'l Conf. on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS-12), March 2012.

Christopher A. Miller, Tyler H. Shaw, Joshua D. Hamell, Adam Emfield, David J. Musliner, Ewart De Visser, and Raja Parasurman, "Delegation to Automation: Performance and Implications in Non-optimal Situations", Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Springer, pp 322-331, 2011.

Robert P. Goldman, Michael J.S. Pelican and David J. Musliner, "A Loop Acceleration Technique to Speed Up Verification of Automatically-Generated Plans", ICAPS workshop on Verification and Validation of Planning and Scheduling Systems, 2011.

Serdar Uckun, Tolga Kurtoglu, Peter Bunus, Irem Tumer, Christopher Hoyle, and David Musliner, "Model-Based Systems Engineering for the Design and Development of Complex Aerospace Systems", SAE Aerotech 2011.

David J. Musliner, Jeffrey M. Rye, Dan Thomsen, David D. McDonald, Mark H. Burstein, and Paul Robertson, "FUZZBUSTER: Towards Adaptive Immunity from Cyber Threats", SASO-11 Awareness Workshop, October, 2011.

David Musliner, Robert Goldman, Josh Hamell, and Chris Miller, Priority-Based Playbook Tasking for Unmanned System Teams, AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2011 Conference, 2011.

David Kortenkamp, Pete Bonasso, David J. Musliner, Michael J. S. Pelican, and Jesse Hostetler, Embedding Planning Technology into Satellite Systems, AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2011 Conference, 2011.

David J. Musliner and Robert P. Goldman, Priority-Based Meta-Control within Hierarchical Task Network Planning, SASO-09 Workshop on Metareasoning in Self Adaptive Systems, 2009.

David J. Musliner and Michael J. S. Pelican and Peter J. Schlette, "Verifying Equivalence of Procedures in Different Languages: Preliminary Results", ICAPS workshop on Verification and Validation of Planning and Scheduling Systems, 2009.

Robert P. Goldman and David J. Musliner and Edmund H. Durfee and Mark S. Boddy, "Coordinating Highly Contingent Plans: Biasing Distributed MDPs Towards Cooperative Behavior", Proceedings of the ICAPS Multiagent Planning Workshop, Sydney, Australia, September 2008.

George Alexander, Anita Raja, and David Musliner, "Controlling Deliberation in a Markov Decision Process-Based Agent" Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS08), pp 461-468, Estoril, Portugal, May 12-16, 2008.

David J. Musliner, Michael J. S. Pelican, Robert P. Goldman, Kurt D. Krebsbach, Edmund H. Durfee, "The Evolution of CIRCA, a Theory-Based AI Architecture with Real-Time Performance Guarantees" in AAAI Spring Symposium on Architectures for Intelligent Theory-Based Agents, 2008.

George Alexander, Anita Raja, Ed Durfee and David Musliner, "Design Paradigms for Meta-Control in Multi-Agent Systems" , Proceedings of AAMAS 2007 Workshop on Metareasoning in Agent-based Systems, pp 92-103, Hawaii, May 2007.

David J. Musliner, Robert P. Goldman, Edmund H. Durfee, Jianhui Wu, Dmitri A. Dolgov, and Mark S. Boddy, "Coordination of Highly Contingent Plans", International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems (KIMAS), pp. 418-422, April 30 - May 3 2007.

David J.Musliner, Jim Carciofini, Robert P. Goldman, Edmund H. Durfee, JianhuiWu, Mark S. Boddy, "Flexibly Integrating Deliberation and Execution in Decision-Theoretic Agents", ICAPS workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems: Principles and Practices for Planning in Execution, 2007.

Robert P. Goldman, David J.Musliner, Mark S. Boddy, Edmund H. Durfee, JianhuiWu, "Unrolling" Complex Task Models into MDPs", AAAI Spring Symposium on Game Theory and Decision Theory, 2007.

David J. Musliner, Michael J. S. Pelican, and Robert Goldman, "Incremental Verification for On-the-Fly Controller Synthesis", in the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 149, Number 2, February 2006.

David J. Musliner, Edmund H. Durfee, Jianhui Wu, Dmitri A. Dolgov, Robert P. Goldman, Mark S. Boddy, Coordinated Plan Management Using Multiagent MDPs, in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symp. on Distributed Plan and Schedule Management, March 2006.

David J. Musliner, Robert P. Goldman, and Kurt D. Krebsbach, "Deliberation Scheduling Strategies for Adaptive Mission Planning in Real-Time Environments", in AAAI Spring Symposium on Metacognition in Computation, pp. 98-105, 2005.

Robert P. Goldman, Michael J. S. Pelican, and David J. Musliner, Guiding Planner Backjumping Using Verifier Traces, in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 2004.

Hakan L. S. Younes, David J. Musliner, and Reid G. Simmons, A Framework for Planning in Continuous-time Stochastic Domains, in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Automated Planning and Scheduling, p. 195-204, June 2003.

David J. Musliner, Robert P. Goldman, and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Deliberation Scheduling Strategies for Adaptive Mission Planning in Real-Time Environments, in Proc. Third International Workshop on Self Adaptive Software, 2003.

Kurt D. Krebsbach and David J. Musliner, Plant + Control System + Human: Three's a Crowd (Extended Abstract), in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symp. on Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems in Complex Environments, March 2003.

Vu A. Ha and David J. Musliner, Balancing Safety Against Performance: Tradeoffs in Internet Security, in Proc. Hawaii Int'l Conf. on System Sciences, January 2003.

David J. Musliner, Michael J. S. Pelican, and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Building Coordinated Real-Time Control Plans, in Proc. Third Annual International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space, October 2002.

Robert P. Goldman, Karen Zita Haigh, David J. Musliner, and Michael J. Pelican, MACBeth: A Constraint-Based Planner, in Proc. 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 2002.

Robert P. Goldman, Michael J. S. Pelican, and David J. Musliner, Verifier Trace-Directed Backjumping for Controller Synthesis, in Working Notes of the 2nd Workshop on Real-Time Tools, August 2002.

Vu Ha and David J. Musliner, Toward Decision-Theoretic CIRCA with Application to Real-Time Computer Security Control , in Working notes of the AAAI 2002 Workshop on Real-Time Decision Support and Diagnostics Systems, July 2002.

Hakan L. Younes and David J. Musliner, Probabilistic Plan Verification through Acceptance Sampling , in Proc. AIPS-02 Workshop on Planning via Model Checking, April 2002.

Robert P. Goldman, David J. Musliner, and Michael J. Pelican, Exploiting Implicit Representations in Timed Automaton Verification for Controller Synthesis, in Proceedings of the 2002 Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control Workshop, March 2002.

David J. Musliner, Safe Learning in Mission-Critical Domains: Time is of the Essence, in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Safe Learning Agents, March 2002.

Ranjana G. Deshpande, David J. Musliner, Jorge E. Tierno, Steve G. Pratt, and Robert P. Goldman, Modifying HyTech to Automatically Synthesize Hybrid Controllers, in Proc. Conf. on Decision and Control, p. 1223-1228, 2001.

David J. Musliner, Robert P. Goldman, and Michael J. Pelican, Planning with Increasingly Complex Executive Models, in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2001.

Darren Cofer, Eric Engstrom, Robert Goldman, David Musliner, and Steve Vestal, Applications of Model Checking at Honeywell Laboratories, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2057, Springer-Verlag, p. 296-303, 2001.

Kurt D. Krebsbach and David J. Musliner, You Sense, I'll Act: Coordinated Preemption in Multi-Agent CIRCA, in Working Notes of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Negotiation Methods for Autonomous Cooperative Systems, November 2001.

David J. Musliner and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Multi-Agent Mission Coordination via Negotiation in Working Notes of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Negotiation Methods for Autonomous Cooperative Systems, November 2001.

Robert P. Goldman and David J. Musliner and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Managing Online Self-Adaptation in Real-Time Environments in Proc. Second Int'l Workshop on Self-Adaptive Software, 2001. Full version appears in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes on Computer Science #2614, "Self-Adaptive Software: Applications", edited by Robert Laddaga, Paul Robertson, and Howie Shrobe.

David J. Musliner and John M. Maloney, Reasoning about timeliness for computer security reactions: CIRCA and AIA experiment 001 in Proc. DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition II, pages 299 - 307, 2001.

Christopher W. Geib, Robert P. Goldman, and David J. Musliner, Monte-Carlo Simulation for Automatic Synthesis of Verified Real-time Controllers, in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Model-Based Validation of Intelligence, March 2001.

Reid Simmons, David Apfelbaum, Dieter Fox, Robert P. Goldman, Karen Zita Haigh, David J. Musliner, Michael Pelican, Sebastian Thrun, Coordinated Deployment of Multiple Heterogeneous Robots in Proc. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 2000.

David J. Musliner, Imposing Real-Time Constraints on Self-Adaptive Controller Synthesis in Proc. Int'l Workshop on Self-Adaptive Software, 2000. Full version appears in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes on Computer Science #1936, "Self-Adaptive Software", edited by Paul Robertson, Howie Shrobe, and Robert Laddaga.

David J. Musliner, Planner Feedback: NIL is Not Enough in Working Notes of the AAAI Workshop on Representational Issues for Real-World Planning Systems, July 2000.

Robert P. Goldman, Karen Zita Haigh, David J. Musliner, and Michael Pelican MACBeth: A Multi-Agent Constraint-Based Planner in Working Notes of the AAAI Workshop on Constraints and AI Planning, July 2000.

Robert P. Goldman, David J. Musliner, and Michael J. Pelican, Using Model Checking to Plan Hard Real-Time Controllers in Proc. AIPS Workshop on Model-Theoretic Approaches to Planning, April 2000.

David J. Musliner, Robert P. Goldman, and Michael J. Pelican, Using Model Checking to Guarantee Safety in Automatically-Synthesized Real-Time Controllers in Proc. Int'l Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 2000.

Robert P. Goldman, Michael J. Pelican, and David J. Musliner, Modeling and Verification for Automatic Synthesis of Real-time Controllers in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Real-Time Autonomous Systems, March 2000.

Karen Zita Haigh, David J. Musliner, and Sunondo Ghosh RT-MLab: Really Real-Time Robotics in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Real-Time Autonomous Systems, March 2000.

James M. Krause and Tariq Samad and David J. Musliner, Multiple Vehicle Mission Management: Coordination and Optimization in Proc. NATO Symposium on Advanced Mission Management and System Integration Technologies for Improved Tactical Operations, September, 1999.

David J. Musliner, Robert P. Goldman, Michael J. Pelican, and Kurt D. Krebsbach, "Self-Adaptive Software for Hard Real-Time Environments" in IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 14 no. 4, July/August, pp. 23--29, 1999. This paper is available online only from IEEE.

Robert P. Goldman, Michael Pelican, and David J. Musliner, Hard Real-time Mode Logic Synthesis for Hybrid Control: A CIRCA-based Approach, in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Hybrid Systems and AI, 1999.

David J. Musliner, Real-Time is Not an Option, in Working Notes of the Proc. Workshop on Autonomy Control Software, Autonomous Agents Conference, May 1999.

David J. Musliner and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Adjustable Autonomy in Procedural Control for Refineries, in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Adjustable Autonomy, 1999.

David J. Musliner, Kurt D. Krebsbach, Michael Pelican, Robert P. Goldman, and Mark S. Boddy, Issues in Distributed Planning for Real-Time Control (Extended Abstract) , in Working Notes of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Distributed Continual Planning, 1998.

David J. Musliner and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Applying a Procedural and Reactive Approach to Abnormal Situations in Refinery Control, in Proc. Conf on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), July 1998, Snowbird, Utah.

David J. Musliner, Mark S. Boddy, Robert P. Goldman, and Kurt D. Krebsbach, The Link Between Distributed Planning and Abstraction, in Working Notes of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Model-Directed Autonomous Systems, 1997.

David J. Musliner, Robert P. Goldman, Mark S. Boddy, and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Distributed CIRCA: Guaranteeing Coordinated Behavior in Distributed Real-Time Domains, Honeywell Technology Center Technical Report SST-R97-030, Minneapolis, MN, October 1997.

David J. Musliner and Robert P. Goldman, CIRCA and the Cassini Saturn Orbit Insertion: Solving a Prepositioning Problem, in Working Notes of the NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space, 1997.

Robert P. Goldman, David J. Musliner, Mark S. Boddy, and Kurt D. Krebsbach, The CIRCA Model of Planning and Execution, in Working Notes of the AAAI Workshop on Robots, Softbots, Immobots: Theories of Action, Planning and Control, 1997.

Kurt D. Krebsbach and David J. Musliner, A Refinery Immobot for Abnormal Situation Management , in Working Notes of the AAAI Workshop on Robots, Softbots, Immobots: Theories of Action, Planning and Control, 1997.

David J. Musliner and Mark S. Boddy, Contract-Based Distributed Scheduling for Distributed Processing , in Working Notes of the AAAI Workshop on Constraints and Agents, 1997.

Robert P. Goldman, David J. Musliner, Kurt D. Krebsbach, and Mark S. Boddy, Dynamic Abstraction Planning, in AAAI'97.

Robert P. Goldman, Stephanie Guerlain, Christopher Miller, and David J. Musliner, Integrated Task Representation for Indirect Interaction, in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Models for Mixed-initiative Interaction, 1997.

Robert C. Kohout, James A. Hendler, and David J. Musliner, Guaranteeing Safety in Spatially Situated Agents, in AAAI 1996.

David J. Musliner, Plan Execution in Mission-Critical Domains, in Working Notes of AAAI Fall Symp. on Plan Execution: Problems and Issues, November 1996.

David J. Musliner and Christopher A. Miller, Agent and Task Modeling at Honeywell, in Working Notes of AAAI Workshop on Agent Modeling, August 1996.

David J. Musliner and Kurt D. Krebsbach, Planning for Murphy's Law: Uncertainty in CIRCA, in Working Notes of AAAI Spring Symp. on Planning with Incomplete Information for Robot Problems, March 1996.

Rick Moll and David J. Musliner Designing and Building a Multiple-Transducer Sonar System (Part 2), The Robotics Practitioner, Vol. 2 #2, pp. 27--30, Spring 1996.

David J. Musliner and Rick Moll Designing and Building a Multiple-Transducer Sonar System (Part 1), The Robotics Practitioner, Vol. 1 #4, pp. 39--43, Fall 1995.

D. J. Musliner, E. H. Durfee, and K. G. Shin, World Modeling for the Dynamic Construction of Real-Time Control Plans, AI Journal, Vol. 74 #1, pp. 83-127, March 1995.

D. J. Musliner, J. A. Hendler, A. K. Agrawala, E. H. Durfee, J. K. Strosnider, and C. J. Paul, The Challenges of Real-Time AI, IEEE Computer, Vol 28 #1, January 1995. Also appears as University of Maryland Technical Report CS-TR-3290 (UMIACS-TR-94-69).

Robert C. Kohout, David J. Musliner, and James A. Hendler, Supporting Intelligent Real-Time Control: Dynamic Reaction on the Maruti Operating System, in Proc. Israeli Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, January 1995.

D. J. Musliner, Using Abstraction and Nondeterminism to Plan Reaction Loops, Proc. National Conf. on AI, pp. 1036-1041, Seattle WA, August 1994.

Robert C. Kohout, David J. Musliner, and James A. Hendler, Composition of Real-Time Reactive Systems, in 11th Annual Washington SIGADA Symposium AI Working Group Report, 1994.

D. J. Musliner, Predictive Sufficiency and the Use of Stored Internal State, in Proc. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space, pp. 298-305, Houston TX, March 1994.

D. J. Musliner, K. G. Shin, and E. H. Durfee, Automating the Design of Real-Time Reactive Systems, in Proc. Symposium on AI in Real-Time Control, 1994.

D. J. Musliner, Scheduling Issues Arising from Automated Real-Time System Design. University of Maryland Technical Report CS-TR-3364, UMIACS-TR-94-118.

D. J. Musliner, E. H. Durfee, and K. G. Shin, CIRCA: A Cooperative Intelligent Real-Time Control Architecture IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol 23 #6, 1993.

D. J. Musliner, CIRCA: The Cooperative Intelligent Real-Time Control Architecture Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1993.

D. J. Musliner and D. Kortenkamp, MICE and the Science of Vacuuming, Working Notes of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Instantiating Real-World Agents , October 1993.

D. J. Musliner, E. H. Durfee, and K. G. Shin, Integrating Intelligence and Real-Time Control into Manufacturing Systems, Working Notes of the SIGMAN Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, July 1993.

D. J. Musliner, J. W. Dolter, and K. G. Shin, BibDb: A Bibliographic Database for Collaboration , in Proc. Conf. on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Oct 1992.

D. J. Musliner, E. H. Durfee, and K. G. Shin, Any-Dimension Algorithms , in Proc. Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, May 1992.

D. J. Musliner, E. H. Durfee, and K. G. Shin, Reasoning About Bounded Reactivity to Achieve Real-Time Guarantees, in Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Selective Perception, March 1992.

D. J. Musliner, E. H. Durfee, and K. G. Shin, Execution Monitoring and Recovery Planning with Time, in Proc. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Applications, February 1991.

Professional Memberships:

AAAI, Sigma Xi.